If their actions towards to get skinny figure is based on the wrong knowledge, that are doomed to fail!
Weight Loss Myths That Hurt Your Fitness Efforts
Hunger is the only way to the sexy figureYour body produces energy - that is the way to get out of bed in the morning! Its fuel is composed of oxygen, water and food. We try to fool our bodies through their consumption of fuel as the simple mathematical equation
The least amount of food that your body enters a longer period, most is keep the calories you're getting. The way it does is by supplying you with less energy and not by burning its fat reserves it has already stored under the skin
After everything you eat 6-PM will make you fat
The call "rule 6 p.m." is a vestige of an era in which we knew nothing about the science of nutrition and human metabolism. The reasoning is that the organism enters sleep mode, around 9-10 pm and so it slows down their ability to burn the food ingested by the fuel!
While it is true that your body needs more time to digest the food while asleep, still becomes the same amount of energy reserves, since you would if you were awake
This is the same as with breakfast, which helps lose weight - while eating when your digestive system is waking up and your metabolism is still slow!
The Act of eating pumped his body engine, so have dinner after 6 PM is well provided you don't need to sleep just after that!
Always go for foods with low fat
Once again, this mania going on for the past 20 years has been based on the idea that "the consumption of fats makes chubby". There is some truth in this, as one gram of fat they have 9 calories, while a gram of protein or carbohydrate has only 4!
However, this myth - like many other weight loss stories - underestimates the power of the human body to regulate itself. The fatty material that we are taking can weigh the same, and look like the same amount of food, such as lower fat option, but our bodies know the difference!
Try to consume two meals, a high and a low-fat. Given the same portion of each. Will it be more satiated after a low-fat or a high-fat meal?
You have to avoid all carbohydrates
Like the previous myth, no carbohydrate diet is based on the human desire for a direct response, a simple solution, a head of Turkish grocery that makes all our problems of fat. Of course, the human body and the world itself is more complicated than that
Carbohydrates come in many types and different levels of digestibility. Brown rice, for example, is a carbohydrate - and so is corn syrup
We all know that one of them is healthier than the other, right?
The reason is that corn syrup has a glycemic index high (HGI) - the body absorbs the energy of it so fast that it experiences a 'sugar high',! This is always followed by an intense shock that produces an intense desire for more sweet things!
Brown rice, on the other hand, decomposes slowly into your system. It also contains fiber, which helps to lose pounds, making it feel more full and help digestion
Avoid eating between meals and fast food at all costs!
This myth is very similar to the starve - just does not have any support in science. Your body can do his best time with a moderate flow but constant food that says, "not dying from hunger, keep those engines running", without compressing it with an excess of energy that is converted to fat!
As with everything, the slim figure of long-term key is moderation, which does not have to sell many crazy diets or luxury protein shakes
You can only lose weight through hard exercise and workouts
Of course, the exercise regimen has received almost as much attention as what they eat. Like many people think that if they work out that they can "eat whatever you want", but in fact, many types of exercises do not offer much cardiovascular benefit at all!
What's more, also required the muscles to perform effective training - muscles which are made from proteins
in other words, a balanced diet is necessary not only for the loss of body mass, but also to maximize their profits from any training program
A single food diets make you skinny
Many of us want a crazy thing to undo all our problems - that we are going to win the lottery, or get "discovered" that sings in a club, or they lose a hundred pounds by eating grapefruit or simply col!
To tell the truth, there is a single grocery store has all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your body needs to strengthen the bones, healthy skin and muscle mass. To eat a single meal, even their efforts can hamper to get delgado as a deprivation of nutrients will make you feel tired, weak, or hungrier!
Some very successful diets focuses mainly on a few groups of smaller items, or people whose taste limited its options. Without the embargo, not only one of them can sustain a healthy human being for a long time, much less help to lose weight!