This is exactly why diets do not work. Yes, we can cut the food during a diet of shock, while the pounds fall off easily and see lots of results. But as soon as they start these visible changes to reduce speed, or reach our goal, quickly fall into old habits - and our old body usually is not far behind
The loss of weight without eating less food
It is a rare few of us in reality as overweight. What we really like, for good reasons or bad, it is to eat. This increases the chance of failure in any effort to weight loss that is to eat less.
Then, what would you say to be able to lose weight while eating about the same amount of food?
The said that to lose weight is to eat fewer calories is absolutely true. But many of us equate calories with the amount of food we eat. In fact, you could have a diet high in calories without eating so much food
What you eat is as important as the quantity
A certain amount of high fat, high sugar and high salt foods raises its weight more than the same amount of foods that do not contain all those calories, or which destabilize the sugar content in the blood
If you exchange the sugary, fatty and salty foods in the diet of foods that were not sugary, fatty and salty, your chances of losing weight significantly would be much higher, at the same time that ate the same amount of food
To help you start, here are some of the best ways that you can eat as much food as does now, and still lose weight:
Eat small meals throughout the day
There is a big difference between the consumption of daily caloric intake recommended in a single meal or several. If you eat a large meal, it is likely that you will not burn the extra calories for the next meal. Excess calories are stored in aggregate
Small portions give your body energy and nutrition you need throughout the day without overloading, or with peaks of their sugar in the blood, at a given time
Eat whole grains
We refer to all parties. By grabbing a slice of pizza for lunch? Get whole grain crust. Spaghetti? Whole grain pasta. Whole grains do not increase as high as processed grains insulin. And lower insulin means a greater fat burning
Dispose of high drinks and snacks of sugar
Only by means of the exchange of drinks with high sugar content in soft drinks, fruit juices, snacks and desserts for the options of low sugar content, such as vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole fruits juice, you can remove large amounts of sugar from your diet. There are 10 teaspoons of sugar in a can of Coca-Cola. The World Health Organization says that you should eat no more than six teaspoons of sugar a day
Trim the fat
Through the reduction of visible fat from meats, cut a lot of calories. Lean red meat is a great source of protein, which helps to burn fat. You can remove most of the fat from your protein intake by eating more legumes, such as beans, peas and lentils
Drink plenty of water
While it has no nutritional value, necessary water as well as more nutritious food. Among the many benefits of water, which helps distribute nutrients throughout your body foods; full, so you eat less, and lubricates your joints and muscles. That combination means eating less fat and burn more
weight loss diets fail because they miss the point. What you eat is more important than the quantity. While anyone who eats too much going to gain weight, even in a healthy diet, there are many less likely to overeat when you choose the right foods