In the science of medicine, known as 2 types of fat, IE, white fat and Brown fat. fat tissue function white to store fat in their cells as reserves of energy in the future. Many are under the skin and in the abdomen. This type of fat also is a constituent component of the hormone estrogen. Brown fat is a type of fat that is found in the newborns of the subcutaneous tissue. Fat used to heat the baby's body. The amount of Brown fat tissue would decrease to measure human growth and become adults only slightly. According to a study conducted by researchers at the Garvan Institute of medical research in Australia, more Brown fat is owned by those who are thin. It is given to know also that if white fat as many as 50 grams can save 300 kcal of energy, then, 50 ounces of Brown fat can burn 300 kcal per day
Fats are below the surface of the skin. In women, fat tend to be stored in the arms, waist and thighs so that her pear shaped body shape. While fat in men tend to be except in the shoulder, chest, and abdomen. The fat in the abdomen, also known as viceral fat, known to be more harmful to health than fat in other parts of the body. The viceral fat produce a series of proteins that can cause metabolic disorders and inflammation, which can cause high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, diseases of the heart, cancer, dementia, and many other dangerous disease risk
How Healthy and Efficient Fat Burning Heaps?
After learning the different types of fat and dangers, no doubt a way alone can not be used to get rid of the fat. A balanced diet by regulating the intake of calories in the body and regular exercise is the best way to reduce the deposits of fat in the body. Physical exercise every day will break the fat into energy cells, so the body will not store energy reserves in the form of fat. The combination of aerobic training and weight are the most effective exercises to lose weight. Physical exercise triggers the production of the hormone irisin in the muscles that are known to transform white fat into Brown fat
Also recommended is to reduce consumption of sweets and high glycemic index indexed. Excess sugar in the blood will lead to the production of insulin, while reducing the sugar in the blood will lead to the release of the hormone cortisol. Both hormones, cortisol and insulin, can lead to the accumulation of energy in the form of fat
Catechins are flavonoids, antioxidants or proved to be very effective to help the process of fat burning. Catechins found in apples, berries, chocolate and green tea
Therefore, if you want to reduce the fat in certain parts, then, maximize the burning of fat in your body through a balanced diet, regular, avoid stress and sleep comfortably exercise