There are a number of medications and supplements both traditional and conventional medicines that are recommended to help lose weight.
These operate by different means, but above all by increasing the metabolic rate of the body, through the promotion of the water loss through diuresis and by preventing the production and accumulation of more fat.
However, there is a limit to the benefits medicines and herbal remedies can be provided. Countless studies have shown that the proven way to achieve weight loss is through a combination of diet and limited exercise.
Restricted diets used in weight loss plans, diet paleo is perhaps the best. It is a simplified diet, which excludes the refined and processed foods while packing the types of foods suitable for the human digestive system and the needs of the body.
The Best Program for Weight Loss Your Body
On the other hand, all regimes of exercises that can be used to achieve weight loss, the Crossfit exercises program is global program that can deliver results all aspects. It borders the sports training rigorous without ceasing to be attainable by anyone and which is offered in most of the gyms.What about the Paleolithic diet?
Paleolithic diet (paleo diet) is also called the Caveman diet and the stone age diet.
This diet is based on the diet of hunter-gatherers and is a reminder of the last days, when the humans ate raw food, raw they are easily digestible and low-calorie package.
Therefore, diet paleo is a nutritional plan modern based on an ancient practice of the diet.
This restricted diet is based on human beings consume one to about 10,000 years ago, during the Paleolithic era. This period was extended for 2.5 million years and ended when humans developed agriculture and learned how to domesticate and breed animals for food.
Most of the food consumed by these first humans persist today. They include nuts, fruits, vegetables, roots, fish and meats bred in pastures. They are excluded from this diet are cereals, legumes, dairy products, salt and refined sugar, as well as processed, refined oils.
Paleo diet is best substitutes for most groups of refined foods today. For example, honey is a food healthier than refined sugars and artificial sweeteners; and virgin coconut oil is better than cooking oil, refined and processed oil.
The basic principle of diet paleo is the finding that human genes just have evolved since the Paleolithic era even as the human diet has been transformed by agriculture and industrialization. This suggests that the human body does not need new foods from design to mass produce these days while you can have these food cravings.
Therefore, diet paleo is what our body needs, although our taste in food may have changed.
There has been a lot of controversy about diet paleo but it is is not a fad diet. It can be difficult to accurately duplicate a real diet paleo and it can be difficult to stick to a diet of this type, but there is no argument the fact that diet paleo provides significant health benefits, including weight loss.
However, there are variations of diet paleo, especially in relation to the type of carbohydrates include. The benefits of these variations vary, but in general, the diet paleo is believed to be superior to other nutritional diet plans.
What makes that Paleolithic diet?
What humans ate during the Paleolithic era can be deduced from anthropological studies of historical places and the diets of the hunter-gatherer societies recently discovered that have largely been protected from today's practices.
Although foods that grow in the wild and domesticated meats were the mainstay of the Paleolithic diet, equivalent today, such as crops and meat from grass-fed pets are allowed.
Therefore, any modern equivalent of foods that may have been hunted or gathered during the Paleolithic era is acceptable.
There has been a lot of controversy about diet paleo but it is is not a fad diet. It can be difficult to accurately duplicate a real diet paleo and it can be difficult to stick to a diet of this type, but there is no argument the fact that diet paleo provides significant health benefits, including weight loss.
However, there are variations of diet paleo, especially in relation to the type of carbohydrates include. The benefits of these variations vary, but in general, the diet paleo is believed to be superior to other nutritional diet plans.
Plants, grains and legumes, which entered in human nutrition through agricultural practices, are excluded. In addition, are particularly excluded sources of gluten and fructose foods.
Of products of animal origin, paleo-diet includes eggs, seafood, meat and edible offal, but not dairy.
To drink only water qualifies in the diet paleo. alcoholic and fermented beverages should be avoided while some professionals include herbal tea as part of their versions of the diet paleo.
Contrary to some opinions, the foods that qualify for the diet paleo can be cooked. However, there are people that make diet paleo stalwarts who insist on raw foods, since they believe that cooked foods are not very suitable for human consumption.
The popular practice of diet paleo requires more energy from foods derived from animal sources that plant sources. In addition, it is recommended that the diet paleo adopted should be high in protein and low in carbohydrates. The proportion of fat in the diet paleo is similar to Western diets modern.
The composition of the diet can be necessary to include supplements of calcium and vitamin D, since they are not supplied adequately in the restricted diet. Vitamin D requires sunlight exposure and the duration of exposure is shorter for the majority of modern humans, supplementation may be necessary.
The benefits of the Paleo diet weight loss
There are many benefits of the diet paleo, including the absence of gluten (in grains) and casein (in milk), as well as the absence of antinutrients such as lectins and phytates which are found in grains and legumes.
In addition, paleo diet provides more high potassium-sodium ratio that can help improve cardiovascular function and prevent high blood pressure and stroke.
However, it is the fibre content and the glycemic index of the diet paleo that affects mostly weight.
While packages of diet paleo reduce the carbohydrates of the Western diet, most of their carbohydrates are dietary fiber. These include fibrous vegetables and fruits.
Because the content of carbohydrates in the diet paleo it is mainly composed of fiber, there is very little simple sugar as fructose is converted into fat in the body. One of the main mechanisms by which foods cause weight loss is through the conversion of excess carbohydrates in stored fat.
Therefore, there are very few simple carbohydrates contribute to weight gain diet paleo.
In addition, the high content of fiber in the diet paleo means that the digestion process speeds up and becomes more efficient. Fiber binds to fats and prevent its absorption in the intestine. Therefore, paleo-diet can prevent absorption and accumulation of fat. Instead, it increases its excretion from the body.
Another way in which paleo-diet can contribute to weight loss is through its low glycemic index.
Foods allowed on place diet paleo a load Glycemic low on the body of those included in modern diets. A load low Glycemic is beneficial to reduce the risk of certain diseases such as type II diabetes and obesity prevention.
On the other hand, although the diet paleo is richer in micronutrients than modern diets, is less dense in energy.
Raw, natural foods included in the diet paleo provide fewer calories per gram than processed foods.
The consumption of high energy density foods is the wide and easy way to gain weight. On the other hand, low calorie, low energy density foods is have proven to be effective to achieve weight loss without recourse to the fast.
What is Crossfit exercise program?
Crossfit is described as "the Sports fitness". It is an exercise program founded by Greg Glassman in 2000 and now has spread to more than 4,000 affiliated gyms.
Crossfit is a fitness program of high intensity that complies with the requirements of fitness for military institutions, athletes, and people. It uses a varied programme of strengthening and conditioning to help practitioners achieve dominance in all these areas: respiratory cardiovascular, stamina, force, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, accuracy
Each session of CrossFit training is short, usually not to take more than 20 minutes.
On the other hand, every day comes with a different training plan to help develop a different functional strength and conditioning area.
Therefore, Crossfit not specializes in the physical state of a part of the body, such as lifting weights or even jogging. Rather, it is a comprehensive fitness program that produces a gym all aspects.
For this reason, Crossfit is not for those who prefer a special form of exercise or athletes who must train the selected muscles preferably some of their bodies.
Crossfit fitness program promotes competition among professionals, and each exercise session is usually delivered in a group. Therefore, the exercise program can push practitioners beyond its limits, but be careful not to take too far as putting himself beyond the limit of one can be dangerous.
A typical Crossfit session will involve the combination of some of these exercises with each motion that repeats itself for a short period. When a movement cannot be made due to injuries or other limitations, provides a substitute motion that provides similar benefits.
For example, a favorite Crossfit gym session is the training of reference is called Cindy.
Cindy is a training session of 20 minutes asking so many rounds of a training sequence that involves 5 push-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 is squatting. There are variations of this training depending on the level of physical condition of the participant.
Can Crossfit exercise help achieve weight loss?
Crossfit is especially effective for weight loss, it is the total exercise.
Working all the muscles of the body in short bursts again and, Crossfit promotes the correct type of toning, conditioning and strength.
The component of Crossfit cardio is good for the heart and can help improve blood flow to all parts of the body. In addition, the exercise of the Crossfit fitness program can help improve insulin sensitivity, since it does lower blood sugar levels.
But, more important still, Crossfit fitness program promotes the burning of stored fat. Removed all the muscles in the body's fat and promotes a slim and fit body.
Multitask Crossfit training sessions since groups of muscles in the body, the fat loss produced affects all parts of the body. The hips, waist and trunk benefit especially since they are the main sites of the body fat Depot.
In addition, the Crossfit fitness program can increase the metabolic rate of the body. It can result in Thermogenesis through the release of adrenaline and thyroid hormones to stimulate muscle activity increased to meet the physical demands of training.
Paleo + Crossfit
Experts recommend a diet balanced, especially to improve the benefits of the regime of Crossfit exercises.
For proteins, lean meats are recommended. For fats, nuts, seeds and fatty fish are preferred and carbohydrates, fresh vegetables and fruits are the preferred options. This is more or less the definition of diet paleo.
Therefore, the combination of diet paleo and Crossfit fitness program is the best weight loss plan.
A nutrition plan simplified and healthy as paleo-diet can supply macronutrients needed to satisfy the energy needs of Crossfit exercises. It also supplies the micronutrients needed to support the body.
paleo diet is not going to fill in empty body calories as Crossfit exercises burn stored fats.
In addition, paleo diet removes the burden high Glycemic refined and processed modern food overlooking the body metabolic resources.
Therefore, the combination of diet and exercise paleo Crossfit is the perfect synergy for rapidly shedding weight.
After the desired weight loss, can be maintained by taking weight loss fully paleo diet and continuously participate in Crossfit exercises.
Beyond the important milestone of weight loss, this diet and fitness plans can improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risks of a long list of debilitating diseases such as cancer, type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Thanks for read this article Paleolithic Diet is Best Program for Weight Loss Your Body